Shibu-shibu (渋々 - Unwillingly/Reluctantly)

Aug 3, 2019 23:39

Yesterday, I introduced the Japanese term 'shibui kao' (渋い顔), which means "sour face."

By repeating 'shibu' (渋 - "bitter"), it becomes another term 'shibu-shibu' (渋々/渋渋), which means to do something unwillingly.

'Shibui kao' conveys an unwilling emotion to the surroundings, whereas 'shibu-shibu' implies that someone is unwillingly moved into action.

Usually, terms that describe an action follows 'shibu-shibu'.

For example, you can say 'hikkoshi wo shibu-shibu tetsudatta' (引っ越しを渋々手伝った - "I unwillingly helped someone move") or 'shibu-shibu aruita' (渋々歩いた - "I reluctantly walked").


"Bitter" を意味する「渋」を繰り返して「渋々」とすると、「嫌々ながら何かをするさま」を表すことができます。



No. 1 David's correction
  • Yesterday, I introduced the Japanese term 'shibui kao' (渋い顔), which means "sour face."
  • Yesterday, I introduced the Japanese term 'shibui kao' (渋い顔) which means "sour face."
     (渋い顔), which --> (渋い顔) which

    You could have used commas if you'd written:

    ... I introduced a Japanese term, 'shibui kao' (渋い顔), which means
  • Usually, terms that describe an action follows 'shibu-shibu'.
  • Usually, terms that describe an action follow 'shibu-shibu'.
     follows --> follow

    terms... follow
    term... follows
Thank you for the correction! :)
Thank you for the correction! :)